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Fire Extinguisher Fast Facts

On this page you will find everything you need to know and probably a few things that you don't about fire extinguishers. You will find all of the code broken down in to plain English so that it is easier to understand, and if there is something that still might be unclear, we encourage you to call us with any further questions.

The more you know about fire extinguishers, the less the chance of a problem, and the very last thing you need in the event of a fire is for something to go wrong. As we all know, by keeping the cost of claims down, we also keep the cost of premiums down. To update your fire protection is to update your fire insurance and at a much cheaper price. The manufacturers that make them and the NFPA-10 manual that regulates them require that at certain intervals, fire extinguishers be serviced in the following manner: 


4-1.3 The owner or designated agent occupant of a property in which extinguishers are located shall be responsible for such inspection, maintenance, and recharging.  



Inspection is a “quick check” that an extinguisher is available and will operate. It is intended to give reasonable assurance that the extinguisher is fully charged and operable. This is done by seeing that it is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with, and that there is not obvious physical damage or condition to prevent operation.


At least monthly, the date the inspection was performed and initials of the person performing the inspection shall be recorded.


4-4.1 Frequency

Extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance not more than one year apart or when specifically indicated by an inspection. Maintenance procedures shall be performed in accordance with 4-4.2.


Maintenance, servicing, and recharging shall be performed by trained persons having available the appropriate servicing manual(s), the proper types of tools, recharge materials, lubricants, and manufacturer’s recommended replacement parts or parts specifically listed for use in the extinguisher.

4-4.2 Procedures

Maintenance Procedures shall include a thorough examination of the three basic elements of an extinguisher: 

  • Mechanical Parts 

  • Extinguishing Agent, and 

  • Expelling Means


Every six years, stored pressure extinguishers that require a 12-year hydrostatic test shall be emptied and subject to the applicable maintenance procedures. The removal of agent from halogenated agent extinguishers shall only be done using a halon closed recovery system. When applicable maintenance procedures are performed during periodic recharging or hydrostatic testing, the 6-year requirement shall begin from that date.

Hydrostatic Testing


Hydrostatic testing shall be performed by persons trained in pressure testing procedures and safeguards, and having available suitable testing equipment, facilities, and appropriate servicing manual(s).


If, at any time, and extinguisher shows evidence of corrosion or mechanical injury, it shall be hydrostatically tested, subject to the provisions of 5-1.3 and 5-1.4.

Table 5-2

See table 5-2 below for specific intervals of each type of fire extinguisher. 

Table 5-2. Hydrostatic Test Interval for Extinguishers

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