Fire Suppression System Fast Facts
Keeping up with the ever-changing code on fire suppression systems can be a headache so let us do it for you. You can find all of the need-to-know information below and as always if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
The more you know about wet chemical extinguishing systems, the less the chance of a problem, and the very last thing you need in the event of a fire is form something to go wrong. As we all know by keeping the cost of claims down, we also keep the cost of premiums down. to update your fire protection is to update your fire insurance and at a much cheaper price. The manufactures that make wet chemical systems require that at certain intervals, wet chemical extinguishing systems be serviced in the following manner:
NFPA - 17A
3-1.1 Wet chemical fire extinguishing systems shall comply with standard UL 300.
5-1.4 After any discharge, or if insufficient charge is noted during an inspection or maintenance procedure.
Hydrostatic Testing
5-5 The following parts of wet chemical extinguishing systems shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure test at intervals not exceeding twelve (12) years.
5-3.1 A trained person who has undergone the instructions necessary to perform the maintenance and recharge service reliably and has the appliance manufacture's listed installation and maintenance manual and service bulletins shall service the wet chemical fire extinguishing system six (6) months apart as outlined in 5-3.1.1.
5-3.1.1 At least semiannually maintenance shall be concducted in accordance with the manufacture's listed installation and maintenance manual. As a minimum, such mainteance shall include the listed below:
(a) A check to see that the hazard has not changed.
(b) An examination of all detectors, the expellant gas container(s), the agent container(s), releasing devices, piping, hose assemblies, nozzles, signals, all auxiliary equipment, and the liquid level of all non-pressurized wet chemical containers.
(c) Verification that the agent distribution piping is not obstructed.
(d) Where semiannual maintenance of wet chemical containers or system components reveals conditions such as but not limited to, corrosion or pitting in excess of the manufacture's limits; structural damage or fire damage; or repairs by soldering, welding, or brazing; the affected parts(s) shall be replaced or hydrostatically tested in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the listed agency. The hydrostatic testing of wet chemical containers shall follow the applicable procedures outlined in 5-5 (see above).
(e) All wet chemical systems shall be tested, which shall include the operation of the detection system signals and releasing devices, including manual stations and other associated equipment. A discharge of the wet chemical normally is not part of this test.
(f) Where the maintenance of the system(s) reveals defective parts that could cause an impairment of failure of proper operation of the system(s), the affected parts shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with the manufactures' recommendation.
(g) The maintenance report, with recommendation, if any shall be filled with the owner or with the designated party responsible for the system.
(h) Each wet chemical system shall have a tag or label securely attached, indicating the month and year the maintenance is performed and identifying the person performing the service. Only the current tag or label shall remain in place.
NFPA - 96
Fire-Extinguisher Equipment
General Requirements
10.2.3 Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall comply with ANSI/UL 300 or other equivalent standards and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the listing. Effective January 1, 2014, all existing fire-extinguishing systems shall meet the requirements of 10.2.3. Changes or modifications to the hazard after installation of the fire-extinguishing systems shall result in reevaluation of the system design by a properly trained, qualified, and certified person(s).
11.1.4 Instructions for manually operating the fire extinguishing system shall be posted conspicuously in the kitchen and shall be reviewed with employees by the management. All deep-fat fryers shall be installed with at least a 406mm (16 in.) space between the fryer and surface flames from adjacent cooking equipment. The addition of obstructions to spray patterns from the cooking appliance nozzle(s) such as baffle plates, shelves, or any modification shall not be permitted.
10.4 Upon activation of any fire-extinguishing system for a cooking operation, all sources of fuel and electrical power that produce heat to all equipment requiring protection by that system shall automatically shut off. In existing dry or wet chemical systems not in compliance with ANSI/UL 300, the fire-extinguishing system shall be made to comply with 10.2.3 when any of the following occurs:
The cooking medium is changed from animal oils and fats to vegetable oils.
The positioning of the cooking equipment is changed.
Cooking equipment is replaced.
The manufacturer no longer supports the equipment.
10.4.3 Any gas appliance not requiring protection but located under ventilating equipment where protected appliances are located shall be automatically shut off upon activation of the extinguishing system.
11.6.1 Where the fire-extinguishing system or exhaust system in nonoperational or impaired, the system shall be tagged as noncompliant, the system owner or the owner's representative shall be notified in writing of the impairment, and, where required, the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) shall be notified.
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
11.2.1 Maintenance of the fire-extinguishing systems and listed exhaust hoods containing a constant of fire-activated water system that is listed to extinguish a fire in the grease removal devices, hood exhaust plenums, and exhaust ducts shall be made by properly trained, qualified, and certified person(s) acceptable to the AHJ at least every six (6) months.
11.2.4 Fusible links of the metal alloy type and automatic sprinklers of the metal type shall be replaced at least semiannually.